在寒冷的冬天,您的雙手是不是已經凍僵了呢?  Lowepro慣有的專業以及貼心,設計出新一代的攝影手套,讓專業攝影師在寒冷的冬天,也能很自在的拍照。

Lowepro設計新一代Photo Gloves 攝影手套,可以將食指及大拇指手套折黏回手指背後,讓雙手的食指和大拇指尖部份打開,增加按快門時的穩定度及便利性,柔軟材質的就像是您的第二層肌膚,所以,即使您穿戴著也可以在相機及腳架上做細微的動作,使用萊卡材料具有DuPont Thermax功能,能夠經由毛細孔作用來排除水氣,您的雙手始終都能保持著乾爽及溫暖,防滑塑膠粒,可確保穩固地抓牢精細的相機以及控制三腳架,非常適合於寒冷天侯中拍攝或騎乘腳踏車或是當您攀越高山、滑雪時使用。

▲左圖可為一般寒冷時使用狀態,右圖手指處可折黏讓你按快門更能增加穩定性即便利性 ▲左圖可為一般寒冷時使用狀態,右圖手指處可折黏讓你按快門更能增加穩定性即便利性 




  • B6f1727ac132f0bfa2f4773e28cbfe03?size=48&default=wavatar
    Afzaal Ahmed (發表於 2011年2月11日 14:23)


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We have a look at your nice website and are highly impressed that you are a good seller and importer for the items we produce.
    We want to introduce ourselves as a real Manufacturer cum-Exporters for Gloves, Jackets, Vests, Pants including Motorbike Gloves, Motorcross Gloves, Police Gloves, Dressing Gloves, Machanics Gloves, Cycle Gloves with other Accessories.
    We have a good set-up to produce quality products which meet you at 100% satisfaction.
    Please you visit our website and see your interesting items that we may offer you our best services.

    For any further assistance, please feel free to write us. We are here to serve you 24/7.

    With our best wishes and regards.
    Afzaal Ahmed.

    Flakes Impex.
    Sialkot-51310 Pakistan.
    Ph: +92 300 6110612
    E: flakesimpex@gmail.com ; info@flakesimpex.com
    URL: www.flakesimpex.com
  • Aed7e2fddaf2b611a5ce3211840f824d?size=48&default=wavatar
    oldsheepliu (發表於 2011年3月28日 23:02)

