大家工作除了養家活口這個理由之外,現在更多人賺錢的理由,是為了可以飛到其它國家增廣見聞,練練自己的攝影功夫。好不容易花了大把銀子到國外,一定得到當地的著名景點瞧瞧,例如到了 法國巴黎 ,就要跟 巴黎鐵塔 合照,留下到此一遊的證明,在照片中比個勝利「V」的手勢,或是雙手擺臉龐裝出可愛俏皮的模樣。來自德國的攝影師Michael Hughes則是利用各種不同的紀念品加上「 錯位攝影 」,來為旅行留下回憶,一起來看看吧!




來自德國的自由攝影師Michael Hughes,熱愛到各地旅遊,收集紀念品或是明信片,他也玩錯位攝影,不過他的方式跟一般人比較不一樣,他只有露出一隻手,拿著等比製作的紀念品公仔或是明信片,到原地把公仔、明信片一擺,利用透視的技巧,讓紀念品與實際的景色融為一體。

Trabi toy car at the remains of the berlin wall this section painted by birgit kinder ongoing book project(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)▲Trabi toy car at the remains of the berlin wall this section painted by birgit kinder ongoing book project(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

Late but who cares WM in Berlin fridge magnet and TV Tower(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲Late but who cares WM in Berlin fridge magnet and TV Tower(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

nelsons column, london(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲nelsons column, london(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

Buddy Holly memorial with "air guitar", Lubbock, Texas(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲Buddy Holly memorial with "air guitar", Lubbock, Texas(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

period house from 1849, 3 East Battery, Charleston, South Carolina and 3D perspective creating wooden printed thingy(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲period house from 1849, 3 East Battery, Charleston, South Carolina and 3D perspective creating wooden printed thingy(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

Another from New York which I also like, taken in 1999 same ferry(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲Another from New York which I also like, taken in 1999 same ferry(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

he lion head represents Singapore's original name — Singapura — meaning "lion city" or "kota singa".(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲he lion head represents Singapore's original name — Singapura — meaning "lion city" or "kota singa".(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

Owls to Athens(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲Owls to Athens(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

April 2010 Kentucky, Louisville, Liquor shops(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲April 2010 Kentucky, Louisville, Liquor shops(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

berlin, brandenburger gate(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲berlin, brandenburger gate(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

technical and traffic museum berlin, model of a dakota "rosinen bomber"(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr)
▲technical and traffic museum berlin, model of a dakota "rosinen bomber"(圖片出自Michael Hughes's Flickr

